
The organization of an event such as IMUNBP needs a very large team of volunteers who make it possible to enjoy four incredible days in Barcelona.

We are proud to introduce the team behind the conference, although there are many more people behind the scenes, as well as the group of pioneers who, in 2013, stood up to the challenge of proposing a complex conference such as this, whose dedication and hard work we wish to thank publicly.


and Housing Team

Deputy Secretary-General

and Head of Activities

President of the General Assembly 

and Sponsorship Team

President of the General Assembly 

and Housing Team

President of the General Assembly

and Head of Media

Head of Staff

Head of Press

Head of Housing

Carlota Puig

Sponsorship Team

Nora Cerdà

Sponsorship Team

Marc Palmer

Sponsorship Team

Joan Pareja

Head of Approval Panel

Pol Villaverde

MUN Advisor

Lorena Díaz

MUN Advisor

Jordi Benet

General Coordinator

General Coordinator

Jacint Bassó

Head of BetàniaPatmos

Pilar Pérez

Deputy Head of BetàniaPatmos