Greeting by the Secretary-General

Dear Organizers, Chairs, Delegates and Members of the MUN Community,

It is my utmost pleasure to invite you to the second edition of IMUNBP. As many of you very well know, any MUN is an out-of-this-world experience. We are extremely proud to be able to create this environment for all of you. 

Last year a group of students from our school, Betania Patmos, had the initiative of taking a long-standing tradition of ours, MUNBP (Model United Nations of Betania Patmos), and organizing an international edition (IMUNBP 2024). It was a brave step to take but surely not one to be regretted. This year we come back stronger to make the best second edition possible.

We consider MUN to be more than just a school extracurricular. It is undeniable that it has an important academic value, but we find, and we are sure you will agree with us, that there is much more to it. Getting to know the culture of the country you are visiting as well as all the stories your fellow delegates will tell you is a rare experience that only takes place in very selective environments. Moreover, you will leave the conference with new life-long friendships. That is why we have focused a significant part of our program on social and sightseeing activities in order that all delegates get to know each other as well as our amazing city.

Undoubtedly, we live in a world that is highly dependent on diplomacy. There are multiple issues that need to be worked out, and new ones are always rising. We have several institutions, such as the UN, of course, that allow us to collaborate and debate. They give us the opportunity to study how every situation we have to face can be approached from different angles and thoroughly discuss all of them before deciding how we take action. Engaging in international cooperation is of utmost importance. Each time two countries collaborate with each other the UN goal is one step closer to being achieved.  That is why we believe that MUNs are a perfect initiative for young minds eager to learn. Here, we have the opportunity to take part in a conference that really resembles the UN, and therefore brings amazing values as well as incredible experiences. We truly hope you can have the best time at IMUNBP 2024.

Regarding the actual conference, I cannot give you better advice than to be prepared for anything and to pack with you extra eagerness to participate. Take the guidelines of your country and, while also being understanding of other points of view, defend them as best as you can. But don’t be fooled by anything you read, regardless of what you will be defending in your committee, be sure to exert your critical thinking skills and not forget that the ultimate goal of MUN and the UN is to make a change for the better. We are now facing a very complex world and taking part in initiatives such as MUN is only the beginning of shaping the future and being able to make a difference. 

Looking forward to seeing you in November,

Ariadna Barquero Casado,

Secretary-General of IMUNBP 2024